Thursday, 22 August 2019

Supers Unlimited Kickstarter Has Launched!

The Supers Unlimited Kickstarter is live here: link

All characters will come with Pulp City and Super Mission Force profiles!

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Supers Unlimited! Kitbash Games Kickstarter!

The Kitbash Games Supers Unlimited Kickstarter is ready for launch on August 22nd.

This is a campaign to put the Supers Unlimited range into production, and all characters will have dual Pulp City and Super Mission Force profiles!

At launch there will be a 72-hour early Bird deal on the main Super War pledge level for 9 miniatures; other pledges will be for Teams of 4 minis or a single mini.

Please join us to help launch this brand new range.

Pulp City Kickstarter - coming 2020!

Pulp City: Full Effect Kickstarter - coming Q1 or Q2 2020!